Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk

Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk

I wrote an article about how to wean your baby without employing the CIO method. It was a great article and I maintained my patience for the first few days, then weeks, but…

I am just going to say that I hope that it helped someone, but it was truly not long before my own words would not work for me. So, I am writing to share with you what really worked, and I feel confident that we will continue our streak of no longer nursing.

Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk in Less Than a Week

Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk In Less Than a Week

Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

I’ll put it out there. I was ready to accomplish 2 things with my baby. First, weaning her from breastfeeding. Second, transitioning her into her own bed. Because of breastfeeding, it was convenient for us to co-sleep. Honestly, since she had slept in our bed for so long, I don’t think she realized that it was not hers. I mean that’s all she knew. But that is a topic for another day.

If you are ready and I mean READY to wean your baby from breastfeeding, then keep reading and brace yourself because it won’t be easy. But I can guarantee that you can have a weaned baby in less than a week. And I forgot to mention…this is NOT a CIO method. It actually encourages a positive experience for both mom and the infant/toddler.

So here is my story and I’ll keep it short and sweet. Once upon a time, there was a girl (my daughter) who had a hard time accepting the fact that her breastfeeding journey would soon end. Some nights she would cry until her mother (me) gave in.

One night, she latched on in the middle of the night. She thought that this was the best time to give her mother’s (also me) nipple a bite. Within the next 48 hours, her mother changed her mindset and had a weaned baby in no time. The End.

Ok, that story kind of rhymed and I hope that you enjoyed it. But, that is what happened. My daughter bit me and it was not pleasant. I normally don’t get too upset when I am bit in that very sensitive place on my body because it happens. It has happened to me in the past and I have simply told my daughter no and redirected her to properly latch. But this time was different. She kept biting me and every time I told her no, she would laugh. So, after the 5th or so bite in a row…I knew it was time.

So, what happened next? My daughter cried for the next 10 minutes because she knew that I was serious about not offering her my breasts anymore. I had a sippy cup nearby and she rejected a few times, but eventually gave in. She drank the contents in her sippy cup and fell asleep soon after.

My older cousin had shared with me that she used hot sauce to wean her baby. She placed it on her breasts and the baby disliked it consequently having no interest in it going forward. I thought about trying it with my daughter, but I remember my dad playing a prank on me when I was a little girl. He dared me to drink a bottle of hot sauce. I was like 6, but he let me do it. Now I hate hot sauce and will not use it for anything.

Understand me clearly, I was desperate, but I just did not want to wean her by offering a negative experience. I could have gone with the cry it out method if so. But, I did think about it multiple times.

So the next night came and I knew that I was screwed. And indeed I was screwed, but I was determined not to nurse that night. She pulled on my shirt and whined. I offered her a sippy cup and she declined it and immediately started tugging on my shirt again. Then I took that moment to redirect her to something that she might be interested in. I had a book or toy nearby. Heck, I don’t remember…I probably played her favorite YouTube shows.

Anyhow, she occupied her mind until she drifted off to sleep.

We did this for the next few days and every day we were successful. There were few tears and this mama got more much needed rest.

I breastfed my baby for 15 months. I am proud and appreciative of our journey, but I am honestly happy to say that it is over.

The Truth Behind Why I Decided to Breastfeed My BabyFree Kid Friendly Activities

Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk With These 2 Steps

To recap, I truly only did 2 things and it was much easier than I thought. I changed my mindset which meant I also had to emotionally detach myself from the process. I was serious about weaning my daughter and did not allow her cute little sad face when I told her no change my decision. The second thing I did was make it an enjoyable process for her by offering her an alternative, whether it was her sippy cup or another activity.

Be gentle, be patience, but don’t give in. Small children are much smarter than you may think and you don’t have to watch them hurt to accomplish your mutual goals. Except for when they need stitches, which sucks really badly to watch. If you have a perfect kid, then you won’t have a clue about what I am talking about.

Weaning Your Baby Off Breast Milk In Less Than a Week

I really hope this works for you and if you have any questions for me, please let me know.

My Favorite Weaning Products: (I did not use many products, just a few items to redirect her…most of it is in our own discipline in sticking to our plan)


  1. My first was so easy, he weaned himself…I’m hoping it goes smoothly for my second, but if not I’ll remember your tips!

    • Amandela

      I was hoping my first would be that easy. I mean she literally eats and drinks everything. Never knew how hard it would be for her to transition.

  2. Amy

    Great positive ideas to keep weaning from being a negative experience!

  3. Great read! It’s hard to stick to your guns, but worth it for everyone in the end. Fifteen months is AWESOME for breastfeeding!

  4. I’ll have to save this post for later when my little one and I are ready to wean. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Quijuana

    Wow. I had no problem with either of mine. The first was a 10 months and it was bc I was pregnant with the second. The second was 2 and I told her to stol and she said ok although at 7 she’s still obsessed with my breast and their a major source of comfort for her. Lol. Thanks for sharing.

    • Amandela

      Lol… that’s awesome. I wish I could tell my toddler to stop and she actually agree or take action to stop. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  6. NEEDING to read this! i have an almost 2 year old that sleeps and my bed and still nurses. She only nurses at night now and since has been eating AMAZING, I guess it is true that mammas milk is bomb BUT i feel ready to be done and on to trying for baby number 2! I hope once she weans she starts to sleep in her bed too!

    • Amandela

      Right!!! I just wanted my body back. After 10 months of pregnancy and 15 months of breastfeeding…I was like I’ve shared enough lol.

  7. First off, go mama for 15 months of breast feeding! That is an awesome feat! Also, thanks for sharing your experience with weaning! I liked the fact that you always had something to offer her as a source of comfort. Great job mama!!

  8. Congrats on your 15 month breastfeeding journey!! That is freaking amazing. Also, thank you for this. I am about to breastfeed our fourth (and last) baby and this is definitely easier sounding than most. My son and I made it 13 months, but he transformed easily. My other two, did not. So I’m definitely interested in trying something new for #4. Thank you!!

    • Amandela

      Yes, anytime! Congrats to you on baby #4. You are my hero..I am struggling with baby #1 lol.

  9. Great story. I think i will do the same. Introduce sippy cup at night. I have a 10 month old baby and i am thinking of giving him maybe a few more months to breastfeed then wean him when he is around 15 or 16 months old. At the moment he is constantly feeding at night and i am almost not getting any sleep.

    • Amandela

      Oh my, I remember those days. Yes, introducing the sippy cup is a great start and take your time with the process. When you and baby are ready…your momstincts will definitely kick in. Good luck mama!

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