Weaning a Baby that Doesn’t Want to Be Weaned

Weaning A Baby That Doesn't Want to Be Weaned

As a working mama, I assumed that weaning would be easy. Especially since my daughter didn’t nurse exclusively anymore as she was away from me for most of the day. However, she did prefer to nurse at night right before it was time to go to bed.  And at night we struggled. The first night we tried to wean her, she cried for at least 20 minutes straight. I gave in to her helpless cry. My heart wouldn’t allow me to refuse something that I had the power to provide my child. Have you ever felt that way? Are you weaning a baby that doesn’t want to be weaned?

Later that week, we tried again…and again, we had the same results.

Her resistance continued and before we knew it one month had passed. Fast forward to now and two months have passed.

Something had to change and what I learned is that no matter how many articles I read about weaning a baby, it was not going to be as straightforward as the articles implied. If you are looking for techniques or tips, then it may be best that you check out the great articles on Pinterest. However, if you want to learn about how you can to prepare yourself for weaning a baby, then you are in the right place.

Understand Why Babies Nurse

It is important that you understand why your baby enjoys breastfeeding. I would even suggest that you figure this out first as it will save you a lot of time when you are ready to wean. Most babies nurse because they are hungry and they enjoy receiving mommy’s yummy milk. Other babies may find nursing to be a soothing activity, especially older infants and may choose to nurse well after they have finished active feeding. I am pretty sure this is the case for my daughter as she will not actively nurse for more than a few minutes.

Patience ~More than a Virtue

Like mentioned earlier, no article I read about weaning a baby offered instant results. I tried just about everything and lost my patience every time. That’s why I gave in. We would start the process before her bedtime which is pretty close to my bedtime. Since, I was tired and my daughter was tired, there were two tired individuals trying to overcome a big challenge. There were nights that I cried. And other nights, I told my husband that I felt like I was going crazy.  However, there was something special about the first night that she slept through the night without crying it out and without nursing. It was my patience at it had given me the energy and strength to work with my daughter through the wee hours of the night.

Determine What Happens Next

One of my mom friends suggested that I take a trip away from baby and allow her to be weaned cold turkey. However, this would not work for me, because I was not ready to leave my baby for an overnight trip. How old was your baby before you took your first overnight trip away from your little one?

On the other hand…you may laugh, but I was desperate. The bottles and pacifiers were long gone, but I tried to bring them back. My kid just looked at me, she shook her head, and said “No.”  Obviously, that wasn’t going to work, but I give myself credit because I was getting close. Since, I had figured out my daughter was nursing for comfort… I had to figure out another way to comfort her. I held her securely in a position that was not conducive for nursing.  Her head rested on my shoulder and I walked around the house until she fell asleep. Minimal crying, but most importantly, mom and baby did not nurse.

The Only Way That Works: Weaning a Baby That Doesn't Want To Be Weaned

Me, My Baby, and I

Weaning was a decision that I made for me and baby. Breastfeeding took a toll on me in the last few months. I received little sleep and was drained because my baby would nurse all night long (not active). My baby deserved a happy, more energetic (because parenting is strenuous) mommy. If you are struggling to wean your baby, give yourself time to process the weaning process. Don’t allow others to tell you what you ought to be doing. Weaning a baby that doesn’t want to be weaned will not be easy. However, at the end of the day you need to do what’s best for you and what is best for your baby.

Help a Mama Out…. What tip of advice do you have for a mama trying to wean her baby?`


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