The Questions That Make Families Quarrel

Family Quarrels
Family Quarrels

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Ahhhh, family. It’s not just the most important thing in life, it’s everything. Okay, maybe that was a little too broad. What we meant to say is: a harmonious household is everything. It’s that warm hug in the night, that sense of belonging so many people crave for. Of course, no family is without its quarrels.

Can’t Pick Them, Just Accept Them

You can’t choose them, you’re always with them, you’re too alike and yet so different and so, while you wouldn’t change them for the world, a few fall outs can happen along the way. Usually, there are little tiffs that are forgotten about 35-minutes later. Other times you may have to get some family law attorneys involved.  Then there are times where you don’t talk to family in years. It’s sad, but it’s not uncommon.


Avoid the Feud

The question is, how can you avoid a big family feud scarring your close-knit unit? Well, first things first, you should know exactly what the main causes of conflict are. That way you will be able to spot the signs and put out the embers before they turned to well-fanned flames. So, without further ado, here are the hot topics of family fall outs:

  1. The Big Money Mistake

Money has always been the main highway to argument-ville or, more specifically, a lack of money. Of course, this is hardly a surprise. Not being able to pay bills, falling behind on the mortgage, buy food and afford simple luxuries are always going to be a cause of stress and strain. It’s not just a lack of money, though. The other major area of finance can be to do with the job itself. Working away from home a lot, working night shifts, becoming redundant – all of these can be a hotbed for sour conversations. The answer: become better at money management and budgeting and always keep an emergency fund. It will help a lot.

  1. Sibling Rivalry Overload

The biggest rivalry in the history of humankind is to do with siblings. Don’t ask us why it just is. It’s something to do with vying for the parent’s attention and approval, even if that means belittling or undermining your siblings, as well as measuring yourself against them knowing you are both from the same environment. It’s what brings about that ugly emotion known as jealousy. The answer: take away that sense of competition. Let your children or your siblings know that it is you and them against the world, not each other. And, to top it all of, give each other an equal amount of love, time and respect.

  1. The Discipline Approach

One of the most under-talked about conflicts in a family is the matter of disciplining a child. It’s one where mutual agreement needs to blossom and be regularly talked about in order for harmony to thrive and survive. A lack of consensus, on the other hand, opens up a Pandora’s box of bad talks. It could be that you don’t agree with the other person’s approach to discipline, or it might be that one of you is always the disciplinarian and the other consoles, which can create friction. Our advice: get on the same page and share the responsibilities.


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