4 Reasons Why The Whole Family Should Take Up Cycling

4 Reasons Why The Whole Family Should Take Up Cycling

Cycling Is A Great Activity

You’ve all seen them. Riding perfectly in tandem through the streets on sunny Saturday afternoons. Those families all lines up like ducks; parents blazing a trail ahead while the youngsters pedal obediently behind them, or weave in and out as they advance through the ranks in the kind of friendly challenge that loving siblings enjoy. We often stare wistfully after these families, and wonder what their secret could be. Trying to get your family to do anything together short of dinner or a little TV time seems a chore, and you predict it will only get worse as the kids get older.

Still, you owe it to yourself and your family to invest in some decent, reliable bikes (they’re surprisingly affordable, a decent bike needn’t cost the Earth-it’s just a case of knowing what to look for when buying used) and dedicate some time not only to riding solo but on going on some cycling adventures as a family. There are a whole host of benefits that you’ll enjoy not just individually but as a family.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Cycling Is A Great Activity

It’s a cheap and carbon neutral way of getting around



Aside from being a fun leisure activity, cycling is a great mode of transport that’s good for the environment and can help make maintaining that family budget that much easier. When you leave the car kees at home and pick up your cycling helmet you not only make a saving on fuel and parking charges, you set a great example for your kids. If you can cycle rather than using a car, it’s in your best interests to do so.

They’re going to join a gang!



It teaches your kids to be responsible road users


We all know that without all road users behaving responsibly and observing the rules of the road, our transport networks would be chaos. Cycling with your kids is a great way to teach them road safety and responsibility. While a good lawyer like Richard Rizk Law Office can help you pursue justice if you are injured while on your bike as a result of other road users’ negligence, prevention is always the best cure. By teaching your kids to be respectful, courteous road users as cyclists in their younger years, you’re laying a solid foundation for them to build on as adults.

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It can make your body think it’s 10 years younger


Cycling is a great activity for pushing your cardiovascular health to its limits without the potential for joint damage that is offered by activities like running, jogging or power walking. Cycling engages large muscles and multiple muscle groups making it a great activity for burning calories and improving heart health. Moreover, cyclists are on average as fit as an average person who’s 10 years younger.


It’s great for body sculpting


If you want perfectly sculpted quads, glutes and abs but don’t like the idea of sweating away in a dark and noisy gym to get them, cycling is the activity for you. It’s great for sculpting the areas that give a more flattering profile while also helping to burn body fat to make for a leaner, trimmer physique.



  1. I loved reading…my husband and I were actually just chatting about getting bikes! Your confirmed why cycling is a great idea!

    • Amandela

      Nice, I hope you enjoy it much! Not sure where you are but lately here in SC we have been having near perfect weather.

  2. Love this. My kids LOVE riding their bikes and I’ve been wanting to get one, as well, so I can ride with them.

    • Amandela

      Yes, you will feel like a little kid all over again once you do. But it is a good feeling!

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