Caring for a Terminally ill Parent While Working Full-Time

Caring for ill parent
  • Talk to your employer and create a caregiving plan with your family to set realistic expectations.
  • Create boundaries and structure between caregiving and career, including time limits for responding to requests.
  • Seek professional help from hospice care, counselors, medical staff, and mental health counselors.
  • Make time for yourself each day to take care of your own emotions and well-being.

Balancing a full-time career with caring for a terminally ill parent can be difficult. It is an overwhelming responsibility, but navigating this difficult situation and still managing your job is possible. Here are some tips to help you care for your terminally ill parent while continuing to work.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Set Realistic Expectations

It can be tempting to put yourself under pressure to do more than you reasonably can, both at work and in your role as a caregiver. Setting realistic expectations is important so you don’t become overwhelmed and burned out. Here’s how you can navigate this:

Talk to Your Employer

Talk to your manager or HR representative and determine whether you can take advantage of flexible work arrangements, such as working from home or reduced hours. You must communicate clearly with your employer about your need for flexibility due to your caregiving role.

Be transparent about when you need additional leave or extra colleague support during busy times. Try to plan and ensure there are systems in place before any emergencies arise so that no matter what happens, there is a plan for how work will continue without interruption. 

Create a Caregiving Plan with Your Family

Caregiving plan with family

Talk to your family about caregiving responsibilities and devise a plan that works for everyone. This could include delegating tasks such as rides to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, or providing emotional support. A caregiving plan can lighten the load on you so that you can focus on your job and still provide the necessary. Ensure you are managing yourself properly and taking regular breaks when needed.

Create Boundaries and Structure

It’s important to create boundaries between caregiving and your career. Make sure you set aside time every day dedicated solely to your job; this will ensure that you don’t neglect either responsibility. You should also create a structure around when you are available for caregiving responsibilities so that both roles are given equal attention. Here are some tips for creating boundaries and structure:

  • Set time limits for responding to caregiving requests
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day to decompress
  • Make sure you are taking time off when needed

Seek Professional Help

There will come a time that professionals need to come in to provide care for your parent. Don’t be afraid to seek outside help and support during this time; it will make it easier on you and ensure that your parent gets all the necessary care they need. Here are some of the essential professionals you should consider:

Counselors & Support Groups

Support group

It can be difficult to manage your emotions while caring for a terminally ill parent and managing a full-time job. Consider talking with a counselor or joining a support group; this will help you process what is happening and get the support you need during this difficult time.

Medical Staff

Medical staff, such as doctors and nurses, can be incredibly helpful in managing the medical needs of your terminally ill parent. They will help you manage symptoms and advise on ensuring your parent’s medical needs are met.

Mental Health Counselors

Mental health counselors specialize in helping individuals cope with grief, depression, and other mental health issues. They can provide you with the support to help manage your own emotions and those of your parent.

Hospice Care

Hospice care provides a wide range of services. It can help your parent’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. You can seek hospice care at home to ensure your parent gets the best quality of life for their remaining time. With this option, professionals can provide care while you continue working.

Financial Advisor

A financial advisor can help you plan for the future and ensure all finances are in order. They will help you handle the paperwork and ensure your parent’s needs are met, even if they can no longer decide independently.

Make Time For Yourself

Make time for yourself

Caring for a terminally ill parent is emotionally taxing, so you must make time for yourself each day. This could mean anything from the following:

  • Taking time for a walk
  • Spending time with friends or family
  • Reading a book
  • Meditating

It’s important to remember that you cannot care for your terminally ill parent unless you are caring for yourself first. Focusing on your emotions and well-being will help ensure you have the mental energy to handle your job and caregiving role.

Caring for a terminally ill parent while working full-time can be difficult. However, with these tips and advice, you can find a way to manage both responsibilities without sacrificing either.


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