The Highs And Lows Of Married Life

Highs and Lows of Marriage

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Married life is going to be full of highs and lows. You can’t escape that, and there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. After spending so many years with each other, there’s going to be things that start getting in the way. But luckily, married life also offers a few blessings along the way. You have the beauty of being able to start a family and the beauty of being able to have a life filled with adventure because of them. But as we say, things can go wrong, and there will be highs and lows, some of which we’re going to talk about today.

The Lows

We might as well talk about the lows first, as these are the ones that nobody likes to discuss. The way to think of a marriage is this, you’re going to end up being happy for the rest of your life, or it’s going to end badly because one or both parties just isn’t happy anymore. As we’re talking about the lows, we’re going to have to talk to you about the possibility of divorce, and how you can handle it. Usually, a family law firm will take your case. They will be able to mediate the whole process, and help both of you to come to an agreement that is going to benefit one another highly. The quicker the process is over, the quicker you can begin to move on, so try as much as possible not to let it be dragged out.


Another low, if it doesn’t end in divorce, is the fact that married life can become a little boring. After a while, couples lose the motive to go out and have fun like they once used to. Don’t let this be you. Dedicate one night a week to a date night. Whether it be a couple of films and a takeaway inside, or a night out with a few cocktails to let your hair down!

The Highs

One of the biggest highs you’re going to feel is the endless love you’re going to have for them. They will know you better than anyone else, and you will know them like the back of your hand. They will be able to make you happy when no one else can, and they’ll be able to press all your buttons like no one else would. The joy you get to share from going through life together is one that can’t be beaten. You’ll get the joy of buying your first house, your first joint car, having a child etc.

Thistle And Bake

It’s all an exciting journey, even if it does have a few bumps in the road along the way. Make sure you enjoy every moment of marriage whilst you can. Even if it does come to an end at some point, at least you’ve got something great to look back on, and you will have made some amazing memories along the way. The main thing we also recommend is to work at a marriage no matter what, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.


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