The Hard Choice Between Your Employer And The Law

The Hard Choice Between Your Employer And The Law

It’s an unfortunately common situation. You either have a suspicion or you know that your employer is doing something illegal… and/or unethical. What is a person to do with a boss behaving badly? Here are a few tips on how to safely navigate those choppy waters.

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Make sure you have the facts

It’s important to not jump the gun as soon as you have a suspicion, even if you have a strong gut feeling about it. If you have concerns about the ethics or legality of an employer’s actions, do a little fact-finding. Take some notes of your own, do some research online, and consider even talking to a lawyer. You would not want to put your employment in jeopardy by jumping to conclusions without concrete reasons. 

Self-protection is paramount

Know the risks of any action you take. This is especially important if your boss asks you to do something you consider to be unethical. Politely decline, explaining your concerns without making them wary of you. If you know for a fact that it’s illegal, then check to see if they are aware. Then,  offer an alternative solution to whatever their aim is. No matter what you do, don’t do anything illegal no matter how you’re pressured. You don’t want to put yourself in a situationwhere you have to take responsibility for it.

Negotiate and reason

If you grow very concerned over your employer’s unethical actions, it may not be easy to ignore. Talking to them about it may be an option worth pursuing. They may not be aware of the ethical implications of their actions.

The Hard Choice Between Your Employer And The Law

Get help finding justice

If negotiation doesn’t work, then know that there are a lot of whistleblower laws to protect you from retaliation. It can still cause you some stress. However,  in the event of making false claims on taxes and similarly major crimes, the False Claims Act is one of the strongest defenses you have. You ensure that responsibility is taken. And, justice is found, but you can even get a share of the bounty of money recovered.

Know your rights

Whether you’re declining involvement in something you consider unethical, trying to reason with your employer, or seeking justice, you need to know about your protection. None of the above are legal reasons to lose your job.  And, your boss can end up paying fines and damages directly to you for retaliation if they try fire you or otherwise discriminate against you.

There’s no denying that being stuck between your employer and the law. It truly is worse than any rock and any hard place. However, your number one priority should be keeping your hands clean and protecting yourself. Anything beyond that is up to your own judgment. Just remember that some legal advice may be essential before you take action.


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