Why You Need to Hire a Female Lawyer for Your Legal Needs

Female Justice

Females are slowly taking over the legal field. In the U.S., there are over 400,000 female lawyers, recording an all-time high. However, even though females are cementing their spot in the legal field, they still earn less than men. For example, the top 10 female attorneys earn more than $300,000 while their male counterparts earn at least $200,000 more.

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And it’s not like females in the field are doing less than their male counterparts. If anything, they work twice as hard to prove themselves. The unfortunate truth is that gender discrimination against women in the legal profession is still rampant in modern society. For example, female professionals in the field are often mistaken as administrators or court personnel.

This can change, of course. Thus, hiring more female lawyers may encourage more women to pursue law. Having more women in the field can help in tipping the balance. But apart from that, there are many reasons to hire a female lawyer when the need arises:

They’re Empathetic

Some people say that empaths may have a hard time fulfilling any position in law. In this field, one must be impartial. If lawyers dwell in their clients’ feelings, they might not be able to make fair decisions and commit mistakes that could otherwise be easy to avoid. And lawyers will have to face many clients a day. Hearing many tragic and emotional statements in a single day can take a toll on their mental well-being.

Ironically, empathy is an important part of practicing law. And many studies have shown that women are very empathetic. A recent UCLA study found that women are more able to feel other people’s pain than men. This trait can be useful in many areas. For example, if you need to hire a personal injury lawyer to help you seek justice for a personal injury, you’ll want someone empathetic. They can fully understand what you went through and work accordingly to get the justice you deserve.

They Have a Good Track Record

Great Track Record

When you hire a lawyer, you want someone who can give you a win. Statistically speaking, hiring a female lawyer will be your best bet. A study by an analytics firm found that women win more cases than men. Female partners have a 70.19% success rate, while male partners only had a 57.47% success rate. Of course, winning a case is not solely dependent on gender. It depends on other factors as well, particularly skill. And women are not short of skills.

There are also several influential female lawyers. For example, Sandra Day O’Connor is the first female Supreme Court Justice. And she helped promote and protect women’s rights. Another influential lawyer is Janet Reno, who is the first female Attorney General of the United States. They are great examples of how competent females in the legal profession are.

They’re Good Listeners

When you hire a lawyer, you’ll want someone who has exceptional listening skills. And some studies have shown that women are better listeners than men. Women also have a stronger preference for listening than men.

Great Listeners

A lawyer who is good at listening will make you feel seen and heard. This can be very comforting and will allow you to explain your side more easily. They can also communicate with you more effectively.

They’re Organized

One study found that women are better at multitasking than men. Although, many say that multitasking isn’t real. Humans can’t really do two things that involve decision-making at the same time. Thus, the study might actually be suggesting that women are more organized, so they can switch between tasks more effectively.

Being organized is an important skill. It can help lawyers make fewer mistakes and assist their clients with ease.

They Thrive Under Pressure

Any human being can do well under pressure if they try. Some consider it their motivator. But females seem to have a little more grasp on that. In one study, researchers found that women responded better to competitive pressure than men.

It’s important to note that the study specifically looked at the best of the best tennis players. Still, law practice can be just as competitive and cutthroat as sports. A female lawyer is more likely to be unfazed when put under pressure. This means they can maintain composure and are less likely to commit mistakes.

Looking at these traits, it’s easy to understand why one would prefer to hire them over male lawyers. Women are empathetic, good listeners, organized, work well under pressure, and have a high success rate. Whatever legal matter you need help with, consider consulting a female lawyer.


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