Turn Your Hair from Frizzy and Dry to Straight and Fly

Straight and Fly

Our hair is our crowning glory. It signifies a lot about who we are, from our personality to habits and even to taste. Taking care of it is beneficial because having good hair makes us more confident. But the benefits don’t end there.

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Did you know that people with good hair get hired more? Having good hair makes us look well put together. It’s part of good hygiene that makes us look more reliable and credible. One of its best effects is that it gives a boost to our energy as well as mental health.

On the other hand, bad hair days affect our mood and get us down. We lose confidence and become more pessimistic. It also affects how we deal with other people and how other people see us.

The worst part about it is that it also makes us lose money. Getting hair treatments at the salon to fix frizzy and dry hair is not cheap. It takes a lot of effort to take care of damaged hair, too, from certain routines to hair products. So, how do we take care of our hair? We focus on these tips:

Wash Properly

Wash hair properly

The first step is to wash your hair correctly. Many people might underestimate the importance of proper washing. But don’t let yourself be one of those people. We need to wash our hair correctly to rinse off any dirt, grime, and remaining hair products.

If you don’t wash your hair correctly, you might experience the buildup of nasty things on your scalp. It could be dirt, hair products, and dead skin cells that cause dry and itchy scalp. It’s not only harmful, but it’s also very uncomfortable. Of course, you don’t want dirty and grimy hair. But that doesn’t mean you need to wash vigorously every day. So, how often do you need to wash your hair?

Experts recommend that you do it at least once every two to three days. However, they also say that there’s no straight-jacket rule for everyone. For example, those with thin and fine hair can forego washing for long periods. Those with thick hair are recommended to have to clean it more often. There are also varying rules to how often you should use shampoo. People who are physically active and sweat a lot are recommended to shampoo more frequently. The same goes for those who have oily scalp.

The standard way of using shampoo is to make sure you don’t overdo it. Use a small amount and put it on your palm. Do not use shampoo directly on the hair because you won’t be able to spread it evenly. Once on the palm, rub your hands together until you achieve a thick lather. Then, apply it to your hair while concentrating on the scalp. Use your nails as you continue to lather up to make sure that you clean your nails, too.

Restore Moisture

Shampoos are made with efficient surfactants that lift dirt and grime from the scalp. That’s how they give you that squeaky-clean feeling. Unfortunately, they also raise and get rid of natural oils that keep your scalp and hair moisturized.

Dry and frizzy hair is caused by a lack of moisture that naturally coats the hair shaft. Your job after washing your hair is to restore that. That’s where conditioners and hair serums come in.

Hair conditioners can restore moisture efficiently, but you shouldn’t just stop at hair conditioning if you want to target specific concerns. Serums are recommended to reinforce not just moisture but necessary ingredients to treat hair. Aside from treating dry and frizzy hair, serums can also straighten it or make sure your curls last longer.

Another issue that serums can fix is hair fall. Hair fall can be caused by various issues, such as stress, dry scalp, and genetics. One of the best solutions is to use an herbal anti hair fall shampoo. This type of shampoo strengthens your hair from the hair cuticle to the hair shaft. It does this by depositing nutrients and vitamins to the hair that make it more resilient to pulls and pressure. In other words, not only does it strengthen hair, but it also makes it smoother and more lustrous.

The Best Herbal Ingredients for Your Hair

Now that we have discussed a lot of ground with the basics, what are the best natural and herbal ingredients for your hair?

Herbal oil

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a superstar for our scalp and hair. It’s excellent at hydrating and moisturizing our grown glory. If you’re looking for a solution to dry and frizzy hair, this is it.

  • Aloe Vera

If your scalp is dry and itchy, aloe vera will soothe it for you. Not only can it deeply clean your hair, but it can also strengthen and repair your hair strands.

  • Clay and Charcoal

Clay and charcoal at great at delivering a deep cleanse. They are suitable for oily scalps because they attract impurities really well. Don’t overuse it, though. Keep it to once or twice a week.

  • Moringa

Moringa is a lesser-known ingredient, but it’s a powerhouse at treating hair fall. It contains high concentrations of Vitamin A that strengthen our cells. It also reinforces our hair, preventing breakage.

You can easily be on the road to salon silky-smooth hair by washing correctly and restoring moisture. Have a happy, good-hair day!


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