Recover Your Finances After An Injury

Financial Recovery

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

We plan out our lives according to our financial situations at the time. How refreshing is it to map out huge life events when you know you can afford them. From new houses to weddings, we are always saving and preparing for an upcoming milestone. In an instant your budget can be thrown out of the window, if you’re involved in an accident. Your emotions can quickly fall into a downwards spiral when you don’t have the ability to work or bring in a stable income. It often becomes difficult to see a way out of such a financial slump, but there are ways that you can recover when the right steps are taken.

The Legal Battles

Make sure that you understand your benefits from your job in terms of illness coverage. They should have a protection plan in place where you will receive some or all of your normal salary, depending on how long you are out of work. If it was an on the job injury, and you are no longer able to work, you will be owed a certain pay out from them. 

Look into lawyers who specialize in your type of accident or injury such as a jones act lawyer, who are dedicated to representing those who work in the maritime industry. You could possibly be owned a large sum of compensation that could see you through your time out of work.

Budget Bravery

Before you receive your compensation it is likely that you will have to cut back on some of your spending habits for a short while. Try and be thrifty by creating a budgeting plan which will see you through three to six months. If you haven’t already got a savings account then this would be the optimum time to start one. If you can only contribute a tiny amount into it each week. It is always safe to have something to fall back on.

Family Ties

Your family and friends are there to love, support and protect you from difficult times. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you are in a financial crisis. They will be completely supportive, because they know it isn’t your fault. Even if it is a small favor, everybody who loves you will want to join together and help out.

Don’t be shy in speaking out and claiming back the money you deserve from your accident.  Always have a backup plan in place for when things do get tough and reach out to your loved ones. Be sure to explore all of your options as soon as possible.  The sooner you can get back to work the better.


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