Advantages of Living Life as a Teetotaler

No Drinking

Addictive substances run the gamut. And for some, it is easy to fall prey to them. You have probably heard heart-wrenching stories about people who succumbed to drug use. A friend suddenly calls you from rehab for heroin dependents after years of not seeing each other. You do not see it coming. And all you can do is wish that you say the right things and that your friend gets to pull themselves together.

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Addiction is a disease. But if you are a teetotaler, it is probably not one of your concerns. Meanwhile, if you suspect yourself to have an addictive personality, a teetotal lifestyle is something you probably need to try. After all, if you can begin to consistently say no to the most accessible addictive substance in the world, chances are you will have the gumption to shake your head in front of more dangerous stuff like heroin.

The ardent followers of a teetotal lifestyle vouch for it. Here are the oft-cited perks.

You get to save lots of money

If you are a weekend drinker, you probably spend $2,500 a year on alcohol. And that is quite a modest estimate. That figure looks at no more than two drinks per day of drinking. If you happen to be the type who is only getting started with two beers, then that amount easily doubles or triples.

Think of the stuff where you could use that money. You could be driving a new car by now. Or you could be living in a more spacious apartment with a decent view.

You are energized


Beer affects your sleep cycle. It can trigger insomnia. After a night of drinking, you will wake up hangover, sleepy, and generally lethargic the next day. If you had drinks on a Friday, chances are you will not be able to accomplish much on the weekend.

Meanwhile, teetotalers swear to how energized they feel sans alcohol in their bloodstream. They get to try more novel activities. They get to spend more quality time with their loved ones.

You have more meaningful conversations

Speaking of quality time, how much of the conversations you had over drinks have you retained in your memory? If you find yourself scratching your head now, it is probably time to have more meaningful talks in a sober context.

That is something teetotalers get to enjoy. They build rapport with new acquaintances and develop bonds with old friends in the most lucid manner. The result is more meaningful human connections.

Also, since they do not have to rely on drinking to socialize, they become more creative. They come up with other means to hang out. That can be as simple as a Sunday Funday with a list of new and wholesome activities to try out.

You live life without drunken regrets

Have you ever wake up from a night of drinking, check your phone, and see someone’s name in your dialed numbers list who should not be in it? That is a prevalent story among people who drink. And it is something you do not have to live with anymore.

Don't Drink and Drive

That is if you try teetotalism. No more days of cringe-reminiscing the silly antics you pulled the last Friday night you got hammered. No more regrets.

You get to enjoy sobriety

Sobriety is underrated. Lucidity deserves more praise. Popular culture has romanticized inebriety for so long. It is time for sobriety to take center stage. That is what teetotalers are doing. Letting people see that life can still be fun and fulfilling even without dependence on alcoholic drinks.

The next time you meet a teetotaler, hang out for a while. Maybe you have something to learn from them.

In the United Kingdom, the population of teetotalers is on the rise. According to a report from the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), 23 percent of its survey respondents made of 18 to 24-year-olds do not drink alcohol. That figure reveals a six percent increase from a previous study conducted 12 months earlier. Meanwhile, those who do not skip alcohol altogether favor beer options with less alcohol content.

While it is easy to advocate for teetotalism, it is not some magic pill you can take if you want to get rid yourself of your addictive tendency. Neither is it something you can strongly recommend to someone who is already deep in the throes of addiction.

If you suffer from addiction, start your road to recovery by asking for help. Conversely, if you have a loved one suffering from addiction, be a strong support system to them.


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