Mommy Blogging Ain’t Easy

A Day in the Life of a Mommy Blogger

Hello friends! Thanks for checking in for what will be the best three minutes of your life…I hope. You have probably seen your share of mommy bloggers, but do you really know what it means to be a mommy blogger? You may first assume that it is a mom who blogs about being a mom. And drum roll please….you are right. But, there is so much more. And, I am encouraging you to befriend the next mommy blogger you meet and offer her some extra support and care. Because, mommy blogging ain’t easy. My day as I explain it below is probably just a walk in the park for some mommy bloggers.  But here we go…

Our morning routine consists of breakfast with the family followed by free play time with my daughter. Which means, while I work…Zariah is free to do whatever the heck she wants. With my supervision, of course. During this time, I release threads for the amazing group of people who participate in what I think is one of the most supportive tribes on Facebook and then I schedule promotional ads for the blog on Facebook and Instagram.

Throughout the day, I will read about 15-20 blogs from other bloggers and then comment and share as I see fit. Helping others has helped me improve my writing style. And, I feel a little more intelligent each time I take in amazing information from fellow bloggers. If you ever observe me during this time do not be surprised by the funny faces and random outbursts of nursery rhymes. It’s a part of the deal as a mommy blogger. It helps convince my kid that she is the star of the show and I am just the extra playing the part.

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Soon it is time for the kiddo’s mid-morning nap. However, don’t get excited… naps will not do anything for you. Seriously, because you have no idea how long your little one’s nap will be. It could last 20 minutes or 2 hours. As they get older, timing is more unpredictable. During nap time, I take the opportunity to enjoy a nice shower. If baby does not nap, however… then you could probably figure out the rest.  However, shower time is good because I can brainstorm ideas for the blog during this time. I just plug in my voice recorder and go for it.

By the time it is noon, my child and I have lunch together. Afterwards, we go outside to play if the weather is nice. This is great one on one time for me and baby Z. The bond, the laughs and the memories made are the highlight of my day. However, the next highlight of the day occurs when it is time for the late afternoon nap.

By this time, I feel like I need a nap. However, since I fear falling behind, I decide to keep grinding. I wrap up my day by promoting content on social media. Many of the blogging gurus have suggested choosing 1-2 to methods to focus on using for content promotion. Well, let me tell you that I be pinning like it ain’t nobody’s business. No tailwind needed (though I may try it, if I can be convinced), just straight up pin and repining. I have found that Pinterest and Facebook drive most of my traffic to my blog.

A Day in the Life: Mommy Blogger

Gosh, I really feel like I do so much more, but that is really a typical day minus the blow outs and random tantrums. To recap, hopefully you have learned the following:

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 There’s lots of singing and funny faces.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 Don’t bank on naps.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 You may say no or stop multiple times during your work shift.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 Showers are great when you can take them.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 Take breaks and be sure to eat.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 Bonding with your child is a rewarding experience.

Crayon on WhatsApp 2.17 Pin like you own Pinterest (that sounded cool in my head).

🌺 While nothing can prepare you for the day you will have, trust and believe that you are doing an amazing job. 🌺

Mommy Blogging Ain't Easy: A Day int he Life of a Mommy Blogger

Mommy Blogging Ain't Easy: A Day In the Life

A mommy blogger must learn how to organize, prioritize and manage her day. Share in the comments, what has helped you the most as a mommy blogger. If not a mommy blogger, what general tips do you have for mommy bloggers?

Here are just a few of my favorite resources:




  1. As a new mom, new blogger AND full time career woman – I totally get the juggle! Trying to get some type of routine and plan can be challenging but I feel so rewarded with my blog and having a creative outlet and supporting fellow moms and women doing this! Thanks for the wit and great read!

    • Amandela

      Absolutely! We stick together <3

  2. To me, I see that blogging needs time and I’m lack of time. I try to write posts and promote my published posts in the night.But I feel I need to work more on my blog and read more resources.

    • Amandela

      Story of my life… I definitely feel like we are in the same boat! We’ll get where we want to be though…I believe it!

  3. This is soo me! Especially the shower during the morning nap! And if the nap is short, i just take a late night shower when my little one is asleep for the night! Great insight to a mommy blogger’s daily routine!

    • Amandela

      Haha, yes we have to get it when you can. We are having such a hard time getting the little one to fall asleep without nursing and by the time she is finally down for the night… I am down too. 🙂

  4. Prioritizing the day and using timers helps to increase my productivity during the day, especially when the boys are home for the summer.

    • Amandela

      I think timers are a great idea. Especially, to help us busy mamas stay on track. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Gahhh…the truth of this post is #realtalk! Being a mom blogger is hard, and I feel like so many people think it is “just a hobby thing”. Great post mama, and keep chugging!

  6. So good! I needed this! Time seriously gets away from me, but these are great tips to help me manage it better.

    • Amandela

      I think time is the common culprit for many of us mommy bloggers. Can a mama just get 30 hours a day and not 24? I think there should be an exception lol. Thanks for checking this post out! 🙂

  7. I salute you for following your schedule. I struggle everyday to follow mine. Hehe.. Thanks for the tips. I hope to re-organize my day so I can post more than 1 in a week. 🙂

    • Amandela

      It will become routine eventually. Heck I am still working on my routine lol

  8. You are absolutely right. As a new mom blogger it’s so hard to find the time and be consistent with everything. BUT I love blogging and hopefully by reading a lot will make me more expressive and a better writer. 😊😀😀

    • Amandela

      Yes, it definitely will! Good luck to you mama! 🙂

  9. I LOVE this!! I am just starting on my blogging journey, but I definitely see the time struggle. I work full time, and a blog. Plus trying to balance life with my one year old, it adds up!! I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one that battles with the ‘to nap, or not to nap?’ question. Usually I work until I’m caught up and lay down just as Princess decides to wake up haha

    Keep up the good work mama!!

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