Why You Might Have More Money Than You Think

Making Money

We tend to think in pretty limiting terms when it comes to our financial situation. We look at how much money we get from our salary, and well, that’s about it — and it’s never really enough when it comes to how we want to live. But what if we had more money than we think we do? This, in fact, is nearly always the case. Sometimes, people have multiple ways to boost their financial situation, but it won’t just happen. You need to release the cash. Below, we take a look at a few methods for finding those untapped resources.

More Money in the Bank

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

People look at their outgoings and think that there’s nothing they can do to change them; it’s a law of nature. In fact, much more of it is under our control that we usually think. Sure, you have to pay rent, and maybe your car and education payments are set in stone, but the rest? It’s in your hands. Take a look at all of your monthly bills and make a judgment: are they really necessary? Most people pay for an expensive cable or internet package when they could make do with a more basic package, or do without it altogether.

Get a Raise

Your salary is going to be the main source of your income, so you better make sure that it works for you. One mistake people make is believing that the amount that their employer gives them is the amount they have to accept. Actually, you should have a say in how much you’re paid. It’s a conversation. If you’ve been working well for your company for a number of years and you’ve never had a raise, then look at asking for one. Most bosses are open to this idea since they know it’s much easier and less expensive to give an employee a 10% rise rather than hire someone new. 


Thistle And Bake


What’s Rightfully Yours

One thing that people forget is that we have a lot of systems in place to protect citizens. If something happens to you and it’s not your fault, then you’ll likely have some legal recourse that can help you. If you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you can work with a personal injury lawyer. If you’ve been overcharged or scammed by a company, then you can work with a fraud attorney, and get what’s rightfully yours. So don’t leave cash that should be in your bank account on the table. Take action. 


In the Drawers

If you’ve lived at your home for a number of years, then you likely have a whole bunch of items just sitting in drawers that you no longer want or need. Tally up all those belongings, and you’ll likely find that the value amounts to more than a pretty penny. Some homes have thousands of dollar’s worth of unused amounts just sitting there. Have a clear out, sell the items, and give your savings account a nudge in the right direction. 


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