Seven Weird and Crazy Traffic Laws You Should Know About

Seven crazy traffic laws

Traffic in the United States is a nightmare. There are too many cars on the road and not enough space. As a result, drivers are aggressive and impatient, which leads to many accidents.

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It’s also relatively normal for people to break traffic laws due to impatience. This can include driving over the speed limit, running red lights, or cutting people off in front of them. Although these laws are known by many on the road, there are certainly some weird traffic laws that exist in the country. Here are some of them.

It’s illegal to ride a merry-go-round on Sundays

Merry-go-rounds are one of the best rides in street fairs. It’s certainly a must for many children. However, in Connecticut, it is illegal to ride these on Sundays. The law was put in place because many people believed that the rides were too dangerous.

cross the street

It’s illegal to cross the street while drunk

It is actually against the law in many cities to cross the street while intoxicated. This is because drunk people are more likely to get hit by a car. You could face a fine or even jail time if you’re caught doing this. This law quickly falls under public intoxication, which can lead you to two month stay in prison and require you to pay fines up to $1,000.

You can’t pump your own gas

In Oregon, it is illegal for drivers to pump their own gas. This may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it’s a great way to get service with a smile. Many people enjoy not worrying about pumping their gas, and it’s one less thing to think about when you’re on the road.

Blindfolded driving isn’t allowed

blindfolded driving

It’s common sense not to drive while being blindfolded, but the state of Colorado made it to actual law. This includes not being able to see out of the windshield, side windows, or rear-view mirror. If you’re caught driving blindfolded- if you don’t get into an accident beforehand, you could get into serious trouble.

No honking!

In Texas, it is illegal to honk your horn unless it’s an emergency. So if you’re stuck in traffic and want to get the driver in front of you to move, you can’t honk. You’ll have to wait until they move on their own. Although this law may seem minor, you can get some jail time by doing this. You can also get charged with a hefty fine of $500.

There’s a good chance that you can get away with a slap on the wrist from enforcers by doing it once or twice. However, if you’re caught multiple times, you could pay a much larger fine.

No parking in front of Dunkin Donuts

no parking dunkin donuts

People in Maine love Dunkin Donuts, and for some of them, it’s part of their morning ritual. They love to park in front of the store, get takeout, and head directly to work. However, many lawmakers have realized that this is the prime cause of traffic among busy streets in Maine.

So with this in mind, it’s now illegal to park in front of a Dunkin Donuts. This ensures that drivers will have to find parking spaces elsewhere, and it will help with the traffic flow. Although this law may seem like a bummer, it’s a great way to keep the roads clear.

You can get a ticket for driving too slow

Driving too fast is a sure sign of reckless driving. However, did you know that in California you can get a ticket for driving too slow? The state’s minimum speed limit is 55 mph, so if you’re caught going below that, you could end up getting pulled over.

Usually, traffic enforcers enforce these rules in areas where tourism is high. This is to avoid traffic and accidents on the road.

Prepare for Anything

Now that you know these laws exist, it’s good that you prepare as much as you can, especially if you’re traveling interstate. Weird laws exist everywhere, and it’s good to get in touch with lawyers just in case. It’s also good to know a car accident lawyer or two if you’re making an interstate trip. This is to ensure that you’re prepared for the worst-case scenario that might happen. There’s a good chance that you might not even need them, but you really shouldn’t take that risk.

As you can see, there are some interesting and strange traffic laws that exist in the United States. Be sure to research the laws of the state that you’re driving in so that you don’t end up getting a ticket for something that you didn’t know was illegal. It’s also a good idea to be prepared for anything that might happen on the road. Be sure to have the contact information of a good lawyer just in case you need one.


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