Home Maintenance Tips That Won’t Break The Bank

home maintenance tips that won't break the bank

As an adult, one of the many things that can give you peace of mind is a house in order-knowing that your appliances, furniture, and everything in your housework perfectly will allow you to sleep well at night. All thanks to routine home maintenance, you know that your home is safe from unforeseen events of replacements and repairs that can cost you a lot.

In most cases, everything in your home requires a maintenance schedule to maximize their life span. While the maintenance procedures can be costly, they are far more affordable than having t pay for sudden repairs.

The Cost of Home Maintenance

Experts suggest saving at least one percent of the property’s value for home maintenance. That means if you own a $300,000 home, you need to set aside at least $3,000 a year or $250 per month, all for routine home maintenance.

However, if your house requires immense work due to old age, you need more money saved. Yet, it’s important to remember that even a brand new home can still cause a headache- that’s how it is for many homeowners- so make sure to save more if you can.

Ways to Save Money on Home Maintenance

Home maintenance procedures can be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to save money as you keep your home in excellent condition. Here are some tips to avoid spending too much cash on home maintenance:

DIY Techniques

DIY Techniques

Some home maintenance procedures don’t require a diploma. With a few DIY tutorials from YouTube, you can unclog your sink without hiring a maintenance specialist.

If you hire a plumber to fix a clogged sink, it would cost you around $75, excluding other expenses like extra materials and any labor included in the deal. You would most likely need to pay for spare time if the job took a while to finish.

Before you decide to fix things yourself, think of how handy you are and how easy it is to learn labor skills. Sometimes, hiring a pro is much better if you’re not even sure if you can handle the job or not.

Have Personal Tools

Handyman or not, all homeowners should consider owning tools like a screwdriver, hammer, tape measure, and sealants and adhesives. With these tools, you can repair minor damages in your home right away, and you don’t need to call for help and pay a massive amount of money for easy jobs.

Have Personal Tools

That said, make sure to learn how to use your tools. The best way to learn is by gaining experience. Perhaps you see your neighbor fixing their roof; you might want to offer assistance so you can learn a thing or two.

Always Hire High-quality Professionals

If your home maintenance requires hiring a contractor, consider hiring someone with expertise. Their fee might be a little higher and expensive, but they sure do get the job done well. Often, a higher cost means that the service provider conducts licensing and insurance, making them a more reliable and safer choice.

You might be tempted to opt for the cheaper services. But they are not always the best choice. Before you hire someone, make sure to do your research about the contractor or company. It would also be helpful to ask for recommendations from family and friends.

Keep Tabs on Preventive Maintenance

To prevent expensive and bigger repairs, don’t forget to keep up with your preventive maintenance, which can cost you a bit now but will surely save you from bigger expenses in the future.

For instance, plumbing issues that can result in water damage can be prevented by sealing visible cracks, regularly cleaning gutters, or addressing clogs or leaks immediately. Other preventive measures include the following;

  • Keeping the house clean
  • Replacing alarm batteries
  • Eliminating pests
  • Repainting the house

Maintenance Methods for Appliances

You can also cut your energy expenses by maintaining your home appliances. Check your appliance manual and learn about their preventive maintenance schedules. For example, changing your air conditioner filter can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill, plus it extends the machine’s life span.

It would also be helpful to ask your electric provider about the hours when electricity is cheaper. Then change your laundry schedule at that time.

Benefits of Routine Home Maintenance

Routine home maintenance

You might think that home maintenance is another task that would take up so much of your time, but believe it or not, it’s worth it. While you can never avoid some repairs, as a homeowner, keeping up with your routine home maintenance projects can be beneficial. Here are the perks:

  • Saving money
  • Improving the quality of life at home
  • Increases the market value of the property
  • Extending the lifespan of appliances
  • Improved home safety.

Being a homeowner means that you have a responsibility to take care of your property and keep it in pristine condition as much as you can. Consider these tips so you can protect your assets and save more money in the long run.


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