How to Effectively Make Your Deck and Balcony Child-friendly

kid friendly

Decks and balconies can pose a safety hazard for small children. They can slip through wide gaps in the railings or they can trip and fall on a wet deck.

A 2015 report showed that 4,600 emergency room visits in the US were associated with deck falls.With adequate supervision and a few upgrades to your outdoor space, you can prevent these accidents from happening.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Safeguard the railings

child proof

Balcony and deck railings should be spaced no more than four inches apart. Otherwise, modifications will be needed to prevent your child from squeezing through.

You can safeguard the railings by adding additional vertical slats, deck netting or strong sheets of Plexiglas.

Plexiglas is a durable material that can withstand high stress. This material is transparent so that the view and aestheticism of the deck will not be lost.

But Plexiglas can be quite expensive (roughly between $2 and $4 per square foot) and somewhat difficult to install.

A deck netting is a durable plastic mesh style netting that’s intended for outdoor use. This material is completely weather-resistant and will not fray from repeated pushing and pulling.

Another way to safeguard your deck railing is by adding additional vertical slats or spindles to fill the wide gaps.

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The railing should have a proper height

What’s the point of tightening the gaps in your railings if your toddler can just simply climb over them?

The International Residence Code (IRC) requires for balcony railings to be at least 36 inches high for residential homes.

Also, don’t place chairs, benches or outdoor furniture near the railings that your child can climb on.

You can contact your local building inspector or building association representative to learn more about deck and balcony regulations.

Ensure the deck is not slippery

Applying a waterproof slip-resistant deck coating reduces risks of slipping, especially useful if your deck has a staircase.

By adding a slip-resistant coating, the deck will be safe to walk on even during the rainy season. There are non-slip coating options for wooden and concrete decks, leaving you with multiple options.


Repair loose railings

Over time, an old wooden railing can loosen at its joint. Loose railings are caused by wear and tear, weather and the pressure from people leaning too hard on them.

Meanwhile, metal deck railings that are constantly exposed to rain, hail, snow and high humidity can rust and chip away. If the bases aren’t protected enough, they can corrode and loosen from the deck.

Many repairs may just be as simple as replacing a few screws. But if your railing is already exhibiting signs of ageing, it may be time to replace and upgrade.

Make the deck less accessible

The best way to prevent any mishap is to make the deck or balcony as inaccessible as possible to small kids.

You can close the entry to the deck with a solid door. If you don’t want to deny your child access to the deck, you can always guarantee safety by keeping a close eye on them.

These tricks should help reduce the risk of deck or balcony accidents. Take the necessary action now and childproof these outdoor spaces.


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