How Can We Teach Our Teens to be More Independent?

We might want to wrap our children up in cotton wool, but as parents it’s our job to ensure they leave home as happy, healthy and responsible young people. One way we can do this is teaching them how to be independent before they fly the nest, teach them the skills and ensure they have what they need to be able to make it alone as young adults. Here’s how you can go about it.

How Can We Teach Our Teens to be More Independent?

Passing their driving test

Passing your driving test is a bit of a rite of passage, it can symbolize the start of proper independence and adulthood and can be really beneficial for teens. Having their own car and the ability to get around for themselves will also make life easier for you, since you won’t have to taxi them to social events, extra curricular activities and wherever else they need to be. It can be worrying as a parent to hand over this control to your teenager, but trust in your parenting abilities.

As long as you know they’re sensible and will follow the rules of the road, won’t drink and drive and can generally be trusted they will be fine. According to, there were six million accidents on America’s roads last year which can be worrying, however even with such a large statistic it’s important to note that in general, our roads are really quite safe. Any of us could go out and have an accident even without being in a vehicle, but you can’t live your life thinking this way. When teens have their licence and their own car, it can also encourage them to go out and earn, which leads onto the next point.


Getting a part time job and learning about money

When you have a child, it’s natural to want to spoil them and make sure they have everything you never did growing up. However, while you might mean well, it can give kids a bit of a delusional view about money and they can grow up thinking that the stuff practically grows on trees. To understand that money is hard earned, it makes sense for them to have a job to earn it themselves. Not only does this teach them responsibility, but it can also help them to appreciate what they have.


Learning how to cook

So many young adults leave home without being able to cook. Being able to eat healthily and put together the right ingredients to feed yourself is so important, so definitely worth teaching your teenager. Teach them how to prepare different meats and vegetables, which flavour combinations work well together. Make sure they have a repertoire of simple yet healthy meals that they’re able to prepare, so when they leave home they’re not spending years living off takeaway pizza and microwave meals!


Doing chores around the home

Again, chores around the home teach responsibility as well as give teenagers the skills they’ll need to live independently later down the line. They should know how to work a washing machine, how to iron their clothes, even simple things like being able to properly stack a dishwasher can be overlooked. They probably won’t enjoy it all that much, but when they eventually fly the nest, you have peace of mind knowing they’ll be able to stand on their own two feet.


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