Asian Beauty Secrets To Include in Your Routine

Asian Beauty Secrets

When it comes to beauty trends, Asian culture is always ahead of the curve. With a revenue of $210 billion in 2022, many expect this market to grow further by 6.39 percent annually. But what do Asian beauty trends have that other global markets don’t?

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One of the most extraordinary things about Asian beauty routines is that it primarily consists of natural ingredients. That is due to the cultural belief that nature always knows best. To get a hold of some of the most popular Asian beauty tricks, here are some hacks you can try at home:

Green Tea Booze

This popular beverage is widely known for its antioxidants and calming properties. But in Korea, green tea is often used topically as a skin toner or base for other cosmetics. That’s because several studies have shown green tea to contain compounds that can help fight acne and wrinkles.

To try this hack at home, brew a cup of green tea and let it cool. Once it’s cooled, use a cotton ball to apply it all over your face after cleansing. You can also add some green tea leaves to your regular toner for an extra boost of antioxidants.

When you religiously use green tea as a toner, you’ll notice that your skin will become less red and inflamed. You might even see a difference in the appearance of your pores. So, if you’re struggling with acne, give this hack a try.

Rice Water

Rice Water

This hack has been around for centuries, dating back to ancient China. Rice water is said to tighten pores, brighten skin, and even help with sun damage.

After boiling a cup of rice in two cups of water, strain the rice and let the water cool. Once it’s cooled, use it as a cleanser by applying it to your face with a cotton ball. You can also add some rice water to your regular mask or moisturizer for an extra boost of nutrients.

However, remember to cleanse your face after using this hack since rice water can make your skin extra sensitive to the sun. But with enough balance, you can achieve dewy and healthy-looking skin.

Moringa Hair Rinse

Moringa is a popular ingredient in many Asian beauty products, but it’s popularly known for its hair benefits. Moringa is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that can help strengthen hair and fight dandruff.

Moringa is a popular ingredient in hair straightening shampoo in the Philippines. That’s because of its ability to coat each strand that protects the hair from frizz and flyaways. So, if you’re someone prone to hair dryness, this ingredient is perfect for you.

It would be better if you could find Moringa shampoos with Argan Oil. This combination can help deeply moisturize your hair and scalp, giving you softer and shinier locks. This way, you can get all the benefits of Moringa with extra hydration.

Charcoal Skin Detox

Activated Charcoal Skin detox

In countries like Japan and Korea, activated charcoal is a popular beauty ingredient. That’s because it’s known to cleanse and detox the skin deeply. Activated charcoal can absorb dirt, oil, and impurities stuck in your pores.

You can use this hack by mixing one tablespoon of activated charcoal with two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture to your face and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and apply your favorite moisturizer.

This hack is perfect for those with oily and acne-prone skin. But if you have sensitive skin, it would be best to do a patch test before applying it all over your face. In doing so, you can avoid any possible skin reactions.

Herbal Diet

Going beyond just the hacks, the focus on inner health is another thing that sets Asian beauty routines apart. For example, in China, it’s believed that good skin comes from within. So, they focus on consuming foods and herbs that promote skin health.

This holistic approach to beauty makes a lot of sense since what you eat does affect your skin. If you want to try this approach, add foods like ginger, turmeric, and green tea to your diet. These ingredients are known for their anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and acne.

Herbal diet

You can also add herbs like ginseng and licorice to your diet. These herbs are said to brighten skin and even out your complexion. So, if you’re struggling with pigmentation, give this approach a try. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

Asian beauty routines are known for their focus on inner health and natural ingredients. If you want to try something new in your beauty routine, consider these Asian beauty hacks. It’s time to up your beauty game and achieve a natural glow.


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