Business Benefits of a Good Signage

Business Benefits of a Good Signage

In the Philippines, marketing expenditure is skyrocketing. As a result, many businesses are opting to divert their advertising funds to signage, where the majority prefer digital signage. Based on a prediction made by the UAE Digital Signage Market Forecast & Opportunities in 2020, the market for digital signage is expected to grow up to 20 percent from 2015 to 2020. Another report by InfoTrends reveals that businesses can increase brand awareness by up to 47.7 percent by using digital signage. Not only that, this simple investment can even boost sales and enhance the customer experience.

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If you’re a business owner, you might be itching to jump on this bandwagon. But before you make a deal with a digital signage supplier in Manila, know that there is a science behind an effective signage. Make sure your signage has these qualities so you can get the best return from your investment.

Customer Relevancy

Relevance is one of the essential advantages of signage. Everything about advertising with signage is right, including the time, message, and customers. The fact that signage is contextual makes it impactful.


Personalization and Flexibility

Unlike traditional advertising, which comes as fixed, you get to adapt your customers with digital signage. As a result, you become more flexible with your business and how you handle your clients. For example, a sign on the road sign may impact people driving more than those commuting.


Today’s customer has gotten over saturated with advertising from various mediums. Fortunately, signage enjoys an advantage because of its unfamiliarity. People never get bored with signs, and especially with engaging digital signs. Mostly, they always take their time to look at them. As a result, the message genuinely gets passed on to them, and in turn, takes action.

Consumer Control and Interactive Capability

Unlike traditional advertising, consumers take control of signage. Consumers are allowed to choose what content they want to get shown. When you ask a consumer to choose, you are giving him or her control. As a result, the consumer does not feel like you are imposing advertising on him or her. In return, you don’t receive negative reactions associated with pressurized or pushy advertisements. Instead, your customers get to interact with your contact directly.

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Customer Experience

Because of its attribute to customer control, personalization, and relevance, signage has emerged as an advertising medium that offers excellent customer experience. Unlike traditional advertisements that shout messages that are irrelevant to customers, signage provides the customer with a platform to choose whether to get interested or not. Customers who look at signs are usually genuinely interested and do so at the correct time. Besides, signage can educate, entertain, or inform. As a result, customers get persuaded.

As illustrated above, signage offers a great advertising experience to customers attributed to the fact that it’s engaging, entertaining, and interesting. The factors explained above contribute to the psychology behind proper signage. If well utilized, any business can benefit massively by using signage.


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