The Best Indoor Plants For a Better Work Environment

The Best Indoor Plants For a Better Work Environment

Doing the simplest office refurbishment could have a great impact on a work environment, and by simple, this could mean the simple addition of plants. Yes, the benefits of plants have extended to the improvement of a workplace. Plants do not only help in cleaning the air of the office in general by removing toxins, but there are also specific plants that are beautiful and that make a great addition to the elegance of the work place.

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While plants are extremely cool and helpful in general, there are still only a selected groups of plants that could be displayed in your office. If you’ve decided to add a little bit of nature in your work office, then here are a few of the best indoor plants that you could choose from:

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Snake Plant

Also scientifically called as ‘sansevieria’, is one of the most common type and most ideal type of indoor plant not only for offices, but even for homes as well. The snake plant is known to provide pure oxygen through absorbing the toxins in the air through its pointed leaves. With several employees lingering around your workplace every day, it is only wise to opt to have clean air to prevent anyone from getting sick. Snake plants could also be exposed to little sunlight and still survive, for as long as it is not flooded with water and make sure its soil is properly drained.

Devil’s Ivy

Despite the unappealing name, the devil’s ivy is actually one of those cute and beautiful plants that you could display in small desks, shelves, tables, or just simply put on the floor inside big pots. This plant’s leaves come in different varieties, but it mostly comes with heart shapes splotched with white spots and different shades of lighter and darker green. It is also named that way because it is believed to survive harsh environments and indoors even without direct exposure to sunlight, and also believed to still remain its natural green color in the dark.

Indoor Plants

Jade Plant

Speaking of cute plants, the jade plant (scientifically known as crassula ovata) is a type of succulent plant with small flowers that usually come in pink or white. Just like the two previous plants, the jade plant could survive even with little amount of sunlight, and only requires minimal maintenance and watering. Also, not only is the jade plant a cute addition to your office decor, but it is also believed to bring financial success to a business as it has been called ‘money plant’ by a Japanese Folklore.

Gerbera Daisy

Just like the previous plants, Gerbera Daisies are flowering plants that could purify the air through filtering the toxins and providing cleaner air in the work environment. Gerbera Daisies could also grow in pots in different sizes and bloom in different colors. To properly maintain this flowering plant, you would need to water them at least once a week, and expose them nearby windows to the sunlight. As indoor plants, the gerbera daisy would survive for about three years before being replaced again to bloom. Its beautiful flowers and low maintenance would surely brighten up the office given that time period – and would be worth it.

You already have enough pollution and dirty air outside when you come in and out of work, so you could at least make use of low maintenance yet quality plants to inhale fresher air indoors.



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