Baby Driver: Safety Advice For New Moms

Baby Driver: Safety Advice for New Moms

Before your son or daughter, you probably didn’t give too much thought when you got behind the wheel. Sure, you kept your eyes on the road and drove sensibly, but it’s as if the skill was second nature. Get in, turn on the engine, and set off to the destination. Now there is a fragile baby in the backseat, it’s like learning all over again. New moms, you aren’t over exaggerating because driving is dangerous. And, parents do make mistakes even when they are on their best behavior. Here, then, is how to be a model motorist pretty much 99% of the time.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Place The Car Seat To The Right


Your child has the freedom of the back seat, so their chair can go anywhere, right? No, not if you don’t want to take your eyes off the road while driving. Parenting never stops, including when you’re piloting a two-ton hunk of metal. Therefore, moms need to check on their little ones throughout the journey. By placing the car seat to the right, drivers should be able to see their child through the rearview mirror. If not, you can quickly steal a glance without losing concentration. On the other side, the driver’s seat is in the way.


Be Cautious


There are plenty of times when traffic is terrible and motorists try to sneak out quickly. As a parent, this is a potential health hazard because there’s a chance you won’t make the slot. When you combine the speed of a car with a big mini-wagon, then the odds aren’t in your favor. Failing to yield or not stopping at a “stop” sign are two sure-fire ways to cause an accident. Instead, air on the side of caution and be doubly sure the coast is clear before pulling out. It only takes a couple of seconds to safeguard everyone’s health.

Cautious Baby Driver

Stick To The Limit


Does 40 mph not feel quick enough? It is for your child. The speed limit exists for a reason – to prevent injuries. Anyone who goes over it is going to put lives in danger. Yep, that’s true even if it’s only by 4 mph or 5 mph more. In fact, studies show that 5 mph can be the difference between life and death in car accidents. Therefore, moms should drive to the limit and never beyond. If you think you’re going to be late, set off earlier instead of trying to make time.


Don’t Answer The Phone


As a parent, a cell phone is an essential piece of kit. Otherwise, there is no way to keep in touch with everyone and set up playdates or speak to the hubby. Of course, using a mobile device while driving is dangerous and illegal, yet people do it anyway. Avoid the temptation by putting the phone in your bag and leaving it in the trunk. Or, place it in the glove box so it’s out of your reach. If it’s an urgent call, pull over and turn off the engine.




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