Be a Good Road Samaritan: Helping Victims of Vehicular Accidents

Roadside Assistance

Road accidents are common across the globe. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.35 million individuals die due to road traffic crashes every year. What’s more, between 20 and 50 million people sustain non-fatal injuries annually, many of which incur a disability as a result of the accident.

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Given how common road accidents are, you may witness one and need to assist victims along the way. Providing aid, however, can be difficult if you’re unsure what to do.

If you come across a vehicular accident while driving on the road, be a good citizen by following these steps:

Park Your Vehicle on the Side of the Road

Road Accidents

Make safety your top priority in an accident. Pull over far enough from the scene to provide room for first responder vehicles, such as police cars, ambulances and fire trucks, and make sure that you’re not in any danger. Then, switch on your hazard lights and exit your vehicle as soon as the road looks safe.

Examine the Scene of the Accident

Although calling for help may be your first instinct, you should at least take a few seconds to assess the accident in front of you. By doing this, you can provide crucial information to first responders. What’s more, a visual assessment can alert you to things you need to become before attending to the road accident victim.

Stay Calm

Keeping a cool head in the accident scene is important. It will help you come up with rational and informed decisions on what to do in this accident. If you feel like panicking from you’re seeing, close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and refocus. Also, don’t allow other panicky people at the scene to affect you.

Call for Backup

After you’re finished with your quick assessment, contact emergency services. Provide all the important details concerning the accident. Some information you could include are your current location, the number of people injured and the type of accident. Supply these details to the best of your knowledge.

If you find bystanders and witnesses in the area, encourage them to get in touch with emergency services, as well. They may provide additional information that can help with the situation.

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Ask the Road Accident Victim About Assistance

If the victim is conscious, ask if they’re hurt and require assistance. This is a crucial step, as not all victims may want help even if you think it’s necessary.

When the victim seeks your help, offer the best assistance you can. Here are a few suggestions you could do at the scene of the accident:

  • Use clothing or bandages and apply direct pressure to the injury to address the bleeding.
  • Gently loosen the victim’s tight clothes and keep the person warm by placing coats, blankets and other similar clothing. If possible, raise the legs of the victim to minimize the likelihood of shock.
  • Hold the hand of the victim if you can. This serves as a big help for an individual’s sense of survival.

Apart from administering aid, you could let them know that you’ve contacted emergency services. You may also comfort the victim by staying with them as long as necessary. If they say they’re going to sue the person responsible with the help of a car or motorcycle injury lawyer, you could say that you’ll serve as a witness to the accident (or extend any help you can).

On the other hand, refrain from approaching the victim if they refuse assistance. Wait for professional help to arrive at the scene and deliver the aid necessary to the victim.

Refrain from Moving the Victim

Some injuries, such as broken bones, may not be readily apparent on the skin. Unless the victim is in imminent danger, avoid taking the victim somewhere else and let emergency services handle this matter. When making your decision, ask yourself this question, “Am I leaving this road accident victim better off compared to the time I found him?”

Turn Over Care to Emergency Services Once They Arrive

Emergency Services

Let the medical personnel take over the victim’s care as soon as the first responders arrive on the scene. These professionals have the equipment, experience and expertise necessary to handle accidents and injuries.

Stick Around Until the Law Enforcement Units Arrive

You can assist the authorities by providing testimony about the road accident. The victim can benefit when you offer a statement to law enforcement units as a witness.

What you do in the first few minutes after an accident can provide a meaningful impact on the emergency team and the victim. Take stock of the situation, and act accordingly.


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