2018: The Year Of The Healthy And Active Children

2018: The Year of Healthy and Active Children

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

2017 has definitely been a tough year. And, while some just accept the new year as “more of the same” or “same old same old”, we are not here to sit around doing nothing and hope for change. Let’s make the year of 2018 the year where we start making changes. The year we start making life easier for ourselves in the process. Let’s start with the most important topic for just about any parent on this very earth, the children. I’m talking about our healthy and active children. Now it might almost seem like a bit of a “Think of the children” cliche. But, realistically speaking, if you have any children then you know that they are at the forefront of your thoughts during all your conscious hours. They probably are even your unconscious ones!

People are just programmed this way. Fatherly or motherly love is definitely one of the magical things in this universe which breaks boundaries and makes people go forth and beyond the norm. We just want to make sure that everything is fine with our dear ones. Fortunately, we live in times where that does not have to be as hard as it used to be. Sure, each era comes with its own set of problems. However, it also comes with its own set of perks which we should be taking advantage of. Without further ado, let’s see what you could introduce into your parenting routine which will make looking after your children as effective as ever, but noticeably less strenuous.

2018: The Year of The Healthy and Active Children

Keeping them healthy

“Eat your greens” has become somewhat of a mantra in the past few hundred years. However despite its widespread usage, more and more people are starting to have noticeably worse diets. Of course, this also includes the children that they are bringing up. Your dietary choices usually heavily reflect on your child’s diet. Especially since you are probably the one feeding them. Regardless of whether you order takeout, or you cook something at home… at the end of the day they are dependent on you to feed them.

While it is not always possible to force your kids to eat a kilogram of kale with each meal. It is possible for you to  improve their diet here and there, as well as giving them some supplements if you are worried that they aren’t getting all the vitamins they need. Making your kids take pills is not always easy either. Someone saw this as a good business opportunity and decided to make tasty vitamins which would actually appeal to kids. One example being Guardian Essentials, who produce vitamin gummies themed in ways which will actually appeal to them. If you would like to take a look then visit this site yourself, and see if it is something your child is likely to eat. If so, then getting some would be highly recommended.


2018: The Year of The Healthy and Active Children

Keeping them active

We live in the age of the smartphone, the tablet. and the almighty social media. With children spending more and more time on their computers or tablets looking at Youtube videos or playing video games, less and less children are spending time outside with their friends like in the good ol’ days. Now, while there is nothing inherently wrong with using a computer, you can always have too much of a good thing. And everything in life requires moderation of some sort.

Getting them involved in some kind of activities which they actually enjoy. Be it a sport or a club or some sort of outdoor activity is often essential to stopping them from staring at a screen. However, much like the vitamin situation, it is now easier to get your kids involved in a plethora of different activities. Be it rock climbing, hockey, or free running, there is definitely more than enough to grab their attention.  You just need to help them find the right one.

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