Not Even Giants Can Stop You: You’re A Strong Woman

.Your giant may big, but it’s clear that it is not too big for you to handle. Keep your head up, stay beautiful, and stay true.

Is it okay if I tug a little deep and share some real truths? Many of us dream of a day where we no longer struggle. The hustle and thought that every step forward leads to three steps backwards. Some of us just recently received notice that our job was ending or found out that an illness has offered us a death sentence. There is no doubt that in this life we will face our giants. And, what I want you to know is that not even giants can stop you.

They have no power over your life. Their purpose is to intimidate you and make you feel as though you will never make it.  However, they’re ignorant if they are unaware that a challenge is only sharpening you in the places you are weak. And, the struggle will soon be over.

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This topic has been heavy on my heart for some time now. With everything going on in the world…in politics…the crime in our communities…the pettiness on our jobs…the fear of natural disasters… and the idea of not being able to provide for our family is an everyday threat. Even, for us. And, sometimes God will show you that you have strength even when the enemy or challenge appears to be bigger.

But, what they don’t see is the strength inside of you. And, that you are the .03% that you will keep on going, even though it may require you to endure some hurt.

A few weeks ago, I took my daughter on our daily trip to water the plants in the garden. I can be lazy and so watering the few vegetables is much more convenient than watering the other plants in the yard. I noticed that the plants that created our beautiful landscape were no longer beautiful. Rather, they were dry, fragile, and looked sad. So, I thought that it might be a good idea to water all the plants that were in desperate need of hydration.

So, my daughter and I walked around the house to grab the garden hose (we call it a hose pipe in the south) and unlock the gate. On the way to the garden hose, I noticed a large spider (probably about 1.5 inches in width… which is huge for anyone afraid of spiders) on the side of the house.

This pretty much stopped me in my tracks. I needed to get to the gate to unlock it and I also needed the garden hose, but this spider, much smaller than I was in the way (about 10 feet away). So, I went to grab our pesticide that I got from Tractor and Supply Co. because I was going to get rid of it (I only mention the name of the store to show you that I was serious about the level of pesticide and that this was not your ordinary household bug spray— they did not pay me to say this…geez, I wish though).

We went back out and the spider had curled up into a ball within its web. At first, I thought it might be prey that was stuck in the web, but I sprayed that bad boy just to make sure. The spider then opened up and started to crawl away.  I continued to spray and pretty much saturated the spider, but this little thing still got away.

Mind you, I spent like $15 for this spray and it had amazing reviews on Amazon. Actually, we had an indoor ant problem and it pretty much resolved that problem within a few days. But, for whatever reason it did not work on the spider. Which ultimately had me confused.

Let me tell you that we deal with this every day in life. Our challenges and our enemies think they know how to break us. But, I want you to remember that not even giants can stop you.

On the outside they see that it hurts you emotionally, it drains you physically, and that it causes chaos around you.

They will come and try to hit you where it hurts most.  Messing with your kids, your marriage, your relationships, your job, your health, and anything or anybody close to you.

But, what they don’t know is that their approach is 100% ineffective. And that confuses your giants. Because on the outside they see that it hurts you emotionally, it drains you physically, and that it causes chaos around you. It might even take you to your breaking point.

And so, in their mind it is working and soon you will lose. But, what they don’t see is the strength inside of you. And, that you will keep on going, even though it may require you to endure some hurt.

Remember that you are stronger than you think. Your giant may be big…but your strength is much greater…your heart is much larger… and your peace will be still.

Your giant may big, but it’s clear that it is not too big for you to handle. Keep your head up, stay beautiful, and stay true.

Not Even Giants Can Stop You

I hope this helped you recognize how strong you really are. And, I hope that everyone can find their inner strength especially when times are hard. Help me spread this word, by kindly sharing my post.

Not even giants can stop you. Your giant may big, but it’s clear that it is not too big for you to handle. Keep your head up, stay beautiful, and stay true.

Dealing with pettiness on your job? Someone giving you a hard time or taking credit for your work? Read on… you will LOVE this. 

Before I quit my job, different people told me afterwards that the young lady who had replaced me also quit shortly after I. They informed me that she was telling everyone on the job that she quit because I was not helpful to her during training and that I was completely unorganized. My experience with the spider led to more revelation.

One thing the bible warned me about is being alert. Sometimes your giant will pay you a visit for no real reason at all. It’s funny how the spider was roughly 10-15 feet away from the fence, yet I was afraid of what it might could do.

You may encounter people that are afraid of your potential. They don’t know you or your story. However, they are selfishly in tune with theirs.  Just the idea that if you were to get near, you would somehow mess their success up. And, then when things are not looking up for them, you become the person they blame. So, they work hard behind the scenes to try and prevent you from reaching greater.

I warn you to be careful. Careful who you choose to invite in your life. Sadly, not everyone will have your best interest in mind (and she drops the mic).

Signed Amandela. XOXO





    • Amandela

      It’s what I do. Thanks for stopping in!

  1. Spiders might stop me… Aside from that, thank you for the encouragement! I needed this message today.

    • Amandela

      Right!! They get me every time haha.

  2. Love this post! I completely relate to not everyone having our best interest at heart. It sure does make a difference when we choose to invite the right people in. 🙂

    • Amandela

      I agree, thanks for checking it out! 🙂

  3. So so very true, and honestly I needed a little motivation today. Thanks!

  4. I needed this today. Thank you for your inspiring message. It’s so important to remember God is on your side and you will get through this.

  5. God does warn us to be alert. I appreciated the reminder to be careful about who we let in our lives. Who we hang around the most absolutely affects our choices and behaviors!

    • Amandela

      Yes, I agree. People are influential…it’s my business and pretty much the life that I live. I hope to inspire and positively influence those who come in contact with me or in person. If they can’t bring you up, then you don’t need to be around them. Who you hang around you can be healing or toxic. The world needs to hear your message, my friend. Well said!

  6. Sam

    This was very inspiring, I love this post……‘ remember you are stronger than you think’ really resonates with me. Well worded!

  7. Nothing can stop you that you don’t allow to– or give in to. We have the power of our infinite minds to control our destiny and to propel us forward in spite of difficult times. We must know that we are greater than our problems and situations.

    • Amandela

      Absolutely- you better preach!!! Loved this!

  8. I loved reading this post. You are such a good writer, very inspiring!

  9. This is my first time visiting your blog, but it certainly won’t be the last. This is beautifully written and your message is so needed. Reminders like this help us remember that we are more capable than we even imagine to overcome the struggles that we must face in our lives. I also loved the comparison to the spider– what a good way to visualize your point! Looking forward to reading your other posts and seeing what you create in the future. Much love ~Jessica (

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