The Adventure to Baby Z

The Adventure to Baby Z

In the beginning…

My husband and I found out we were expecting our first child about 3.5 months ago. While we suspected….you know certain things can create a baby, we were still surprised.

After we married, we were not careful I should say but I do not know if all moms will agree but it IS NOT EASY conceiving. We were careless for about three months and nothing happened. We thought you really had to try and follow all of the instructions on the many forums out there that provide instructions on how to increase your chances of making a baby. We were not ready for a child so we did not actively pursue the instructions that were out there.


Well….three months later….we had a positive test. I remember being so happy and surprised at the same time. I was too excited to tell the hubs so I did not even think about finding a cute way to tell him and ended up telling him directly. Now ladies, how many of you told your husband or significant other that you were expecting and your husband did not BELIEVE you? Probably none, right. My sugar dumpling did not believe me when I told him.


Retesting: 2nd and 3rd Confirmations Needed

This was the funny part because the news of expecting put him straight into research mode. Since I took the pregnancy test during the day he was confident that was a reason for me not being pregnant. I kid you not, he quoted the test instruction manual that stated the best time to check if you are pregnant is from the urine sample you produce first thing in the morning. It’s okay, go ahead and laugh because I sure did.


So, for kicks and giggles and because I slightly believed him, I took the test again the next morning…first thing, according to the instructions. Two lines….I scored again! This is where I begin my journey with you. Finding out I was pregnant was an amazing feeling but I can’t lie, I was nervous at the idea.


Nausea & Fatigue Strikes the Mom to Be

I was so emotional during my first trimester. I dealt with feelings of depression and on other days, I was elated to be pregnant. In addition to the changes I experienced mentally, I physically was drained from always being tired and nauseous. Things I smelled and usually enjoyed eating would often lead me to the nearest bathroom.


I would literally go to work and come home and go right to sleep. I was not interested in my responsibilities and that made me feel like I was a bad person. After a few weeks of being sick, I was really getting frustrated with the whole idea of being pregnant. Being sick for 6-8 weeks is no joke.I really thought I would be the one pressuring my husband to support my dream of having a big family. But after my experience so far my feelings are not the same. I have heard that the second trimester gets better and I am really hoping that is true.


Better Days are Coming…

On October 3, I was officially 14 weeks and at the beginning of my second trimester. I still felt nauseous, but not nearly as bad as I did in the first trimester. I also took medicine for the vomiting as well. My doctor suggested the Unisom/Vitamin B6 cocktail and it worked wonders. I only took it at night because the Unisom as expected, made me sleepy.


I was so nervous about this trimester because ultrasounds are limited, appointments are only once a month, and your symptoms diminish. At least when I was sick, I found comfort in knowing that my little one was okay. I need to find ways to find comfort. I pray and I believe in my faith that everything will be okay. Our little cub is the size of an apple now and we are getting very close to being half way there. To all my baby mamas struggling in the first trimester, stay strong because better days are coming.


“the BabyMoon”   

During this time, we decided to take a babymoon. A babymoon is a vacation for you and  your special someone before the baby arrives. Given that our lives are soon to change, we thought that it would be a great idea. I will share pictures from our trip in a later post. While it ended amazingly, getting to our many destinations in a short period of time was cray cray. Being pregnant and running through the airport is no fun. Also, when you are running late, you will learn that you get car sick then your anxiety kicks in.


We make it…to the 3rd Trimester

The third trimester dragged for me. I was so ready to have my little one and meet her little sweet face. We had appointments once a week once we hit 36 weeks. By the time we were 38 weeks, I still had not dilated but the doctor warned me that anything could happen.

Well, fast forward two weeks later and this baby was still baking in the over. She was late. I went to the mall and walked around on my due date and was entertained by the many people that made the comment “woah you are about to pop.”


The next day, I bounced on the exercise ball and did a long walk. My goal was to have the baby natural without induction but being two days late, I got a little desperate. On the  third day, I got a prenatal massage and I danced to Just Dance on the Xbox…jumps and all. Nothing. No contractions, and at my last appointment, still no dilation. The doctor had scheduled my induction for four days later. Sooooo….on day four, I broke down and tried the castor oil method. While I do not recommend anyone trying this, I will say that I went into labor that night and my baby arrived the next morning. 



Baby Zariah Harris

     ***6lbs 15.8oz, 19 inches long***    


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