

Financial freedom (FF) is important because it puts us in the position to make life decisions on our own terms.  We will not have to put a request in to spend time with our family, or wake up early just to punch a clock and go make money for someone else.  FF is what enjoying life and what you do with your life while you have it that much greater.


Our definition of financial freedom is living life without the worry of how you’re going to pay bills or where your next meal is coming from.  It is the relief of knowing that you create your own schedule, make money on your own time, and YOU enjoy doing it.  


FF does not come without costs. It costs time, effort, and determination to reach whatever goal you’ve set for yourself. The biggest factor impacting that impacts our financial freedom is our mindset.  What makes this engine go is a change in philosophy for everyone involved. Everyone should be on the same page mentally for your goal to be reached.  What is making this process so great is that my wife and I are moving in sync with each other in what we want out of life and how we’re going to get it.  To achieve financial freedom time and effort go hand in hand.  Nothing great is ever easy to achieve, so to you should be willing to give up something that you’re currently doing in your spare time to reach this greatness.  Make the effort when you’re getting home from work to layout that great idea you’ve been brewing all day.  Once you get the ball rolling and more ideas start to come your effort will start to decrease and it will become more of an excitement to work on your freedom plan.  


I do not know anyone personally who is financially free. Well, my uncle retired at 55 and we have other older relatives who are enjoying retirement and social security benefits. We are very proud of them but we are aiming to retire much sooner.  We do have friends who are on the road to financial freedom and like us, they work with a great group of people teaching life lessons as well as business skills that lead to this goal.


Books and Podcasts are our best friends.  I was recently introduced to an environment where learning outside of a classroom is practiced daily.  Just gaining a wealth of knowledge in fields that will benefit your future in all aspects of your life.  We got started with a few great books and that snowballed us into developing a hunger to know more.
